Aims and Values

Core values of the Foundation

The Foundation for Sacred Plant Medicine is a worldwide spiritual community dedicated to honouring the Sacred Wisdom of Plants.


We honour all life as sacred, recognizing that all beings are part of the Divine, interconnected and equal.  We are dedicated in service of the Dream of the Plants and Grandmother Earth.  We uphold the three Sacred Laws that ‘All things are born of Woman’, ‘Nothing shall be done to harm the child’ and ‘Love is all there is’. We seek to embody the Virtues of Beauty, Heart, Peace, Grace and Freedom. We seek to function as a living organism with an evolutionary purpose, allowing the emergence of new creative ideas and forms. We are multi-religious, multi-racial and multi-cultural, embracing all spiritual teachings that are aligned with our core values.


Our vision is of all beings on Grandmother Earth living in peace, harmony, unity consciousness and with mutual respect. Our dream is a world where the heart of humanity is awakened and all beings (mineral, plant, animal, human, ancestral and elemental) are honoured as equal. Our vision is of plants being respected as sacred beings and of sacred plant medicine being available for the highest good of all. 

The Aims and Objectives

To act as advocates for the plant world and guardians of plant wisdom. To promote and encourage the study and understanding of Sacred Plant Medicine. To spread the wisdom of the plants through education, healing, ceremony, art, meetings, publications, the sharing of experiences and other means as appropriate. To establish and maintain ethical, competent and professional standards of practice of Sacred Plant Medicine. To maintain a recognized Code of Ethics. To maintain a register(s) of practitioners of Sacred Plant medicine. To accredit schools of Sacred Plant Medicine. To protect and safeguard the free and ethical practice of Sacred Plant Medicine in all cultures. And to offer support for our community of members.