Temple of Plants online fire festival ceremony
Festival of Bealtaine or May Day
8pm (Irish time) on Tuesday 1st May 2024
At this time when Nature is growing vigorously and moving forward with powerful energy, I invite you to join me in sacred ceremony to celebrate Bealtaine or May Day.
This is the beginning of Summer in Celtic lands – a festival to rejoice in the land’s fertility and our innate creative impulses.
Our ceremony is designed to help us to purify, let go, and bring forth the dreams we want to fertilize and manifest. This is the time to honour and celebrate the wild man and woman within, and to take a leap into the power of our own potential.
Hawthorn has stepped forward to assist us during this time when the veil between the physical world and spiritual world is the thinnest. We pray to open ourselves to Hawthorn for renewal, and to bring forth our wildness and creativity.
We would be delighted if you can join us for this online ceremony!
This ceremony is offered at special rates to members of the Foundation for Sacred Plant Medicine (FSPM).
Energy exchange is by donation for FSPM members
FSPM Full & Associate members by donation (suggested optional donation €10-€20)
Friends of FSPM €25
Non-members €30
You may book by :
Payment can be made by PayPal to chrystahuska@gmail.com
We offer discount for members of the Foundation for Sacred Plant Medicine (FSPM).
See https://foundationforsacredplantmedicine.org/membership/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=2 to join FSPM as an Associate member
Or https://foundationforsacredplantmedicine.org/membership/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=1 to become a Friend.
With Love and Bright Green Blessings,