Building the rainbow bridge of Peace

A 4-day ceremonial workshop held at Derrynagittah August 2024 with Oak and Redwood

In August 2024 we gathered at Derrynagittah with the intent to embody Peace on Earth, to build the Rainbow Bridge of Peace within ourselves and across the planet and beyond.

In this, we were connecting with the Dream of the Rainbow people which originates from Turtle Island, and sees people of all races, religions and nationalities coming together in peace to help restore Grandmother Earth to Beauty and Balance. This is one of the many prophecies speaking of the Dawn of the New Golden Age we are moving into.

Knowing that the change starts with each of us, we prayed for the strength to transform our own inner enemies of self-doubt, fear, jealousy, judgement and separation.

We summoned the courage to look honestly in the pool of reflection, to face our shadow selves, releasing old beliefs, thoughtforms and wounds, practicing forgiveness and remembering that love is all there is. We did this for ourselves and as peacemakers for all the realms of the Earth.  


Both Oak and Redwood joined us in ceremony, bringing an abundance of astonishing gifts. We drank their elixirs and spent time with them on the land, listening to their guidance and basking in the blessings of their presence within and without. Profound healings took place.


Our 4-days of ceremony culminated in a powerful group ceremony to activate the Whirling Rainbow, and anchor the Rainbow Bridge around planet Earth. With flaming Mullein torches, we activated and energised the Whirling Rainbow in the Wheel of the Herb Garden, bringing that potent energy to the Labyrinth, and sending it out to every being on Earth, toning the vibration of unity consciousness.


I remain deeply grateful to all who took part from visible and invisible realms.


One of the key messages we received during the workshop was of the importance of healing the Wounded Male in our culture, both within each of us, whether we are male or female, and in the collective. We were shown how the damaged masculine has caused the feminine to harden their hearts and the masculine has been denigrated, disempowered, shamed and demonised. As women, we have to open our hearts fully to Goddess energy in order to also embody the Divine masculine. Women can be the way-showers for men. It must come from love. Our species is building itself anew.


A multitude of energies are here to help us remember ourselves as Sacred Humans. One of these is the Whirling Rainbow of Peace. For any difficult situation, we can visualize the Whirling Rainbow of Peace encircling the situation, the people, the disharmony.

From the words of the late Jamie Sams* ‘Visualise the Whirling Rainbow, twinkle your eyes with Joy and send your inner peace to the situation.’ This is a powerful and effective prayer. 
By Beauty Plant Dreamer, Carole


*See The medicine Cards by Jamie Sams